LIC’s New Endowment Plan

The New Endowment Plan from LIC is a participating individual life insurance plan that is non-linked and provides an alluring mix of saving and protection features. When this combination matures, the surviving policyholders will receive a sizable lump sum payment, while the family of the dead policyholder will get financial support at any point before to maturity. The borrowing facility under this scheme also meets liquidity demands.



Features of the New Endowment Plan for LIC

The New Endowment Plan from LIC has a number of noteworthy characteristics.

  • Participating Endowment Plan: Policyholders are able to share in the company’s earnings through this standard participating endowment plan.
  • Free Look Period: During the 15-day free look period, policyholders can examine the conditions of the policy and return it if they’re not happy.
  • Loan Facility: If policyholders have paid at least two full years’ worth of premiums and satisfy the requirements set forth by the company, they may be eligible for a loan under this plan.
  • Surrender Value: If all necessary premiums have been paid for a minimum of two years, the insurance may be surrendered. The “Special Surrender Value” or the “Guaranteed Surrender Value,” whichever is larger, may be provided by LIC.
  • Paid-Up Value: The insurance will become paid-up if fewer than two years’ worth of premiums have been paid and if further payments are not paid on schedule.
  • Grace Period: Beginning on the date of the first unpaid premium, a grace period of 30 days is offered for annual, half-yearly, or quarterly premiums and 15 days for monthly premiums.


Advantages of LIC’s New Endowment Plan

Insurance buyers like LIC’s New Endowment Plan because of its alluring benefits:

Death Benefit

Should the life insured pass away during the policy’s term, the policy will terminate and the nominee will be entitled to the “Sum Assured on Death” and any earned bonuses. At least 105% of all premiums paid must be paid in order for the basic sum promised or ten times the yearly premium to be guaranteed upon death.

Benefit of Maturity

The policyholder gets the maturity benefit at the end of the policy term, provided that all premiums are paid on time. This benefit is a one-time payment that includes both the reversionary bonus and the baseline amount guaranteed.


Eligibility Conditions :

Minimum Basic Sum Assured 1,00,000
Maximum Basic Sum Assured No Limit
Minimum Age at entry 8 years (completed)
Maximum Age at entry 55 years (nearer birthday)
Maximum Maturity Age 75 years (nearer birthday)
Minimum Policy Term 12 years
Maximum Policy Term 35 years


*(The Basic Sum Assured shall be in multiples of  5000/-)


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