Personal Details
User Name => Ra
Father Name => Raja ram
Mother Name => Pushpa
Date Of Birth => 18.07.1989
Address =>
Pin Code =>
City =>
Email =>
Aadhaar Card No. =>
PAN Card No. =>
Mobile =>
Nomination =>
Nomination Date Of Birth =>
Height =>
Weight =>
Vaccination Date =>
Education and Income
Education =>
Company Name =>
Monthly Income =>
Company Name =>
Company Name =>
Company Name =>
Family History
Living Members $ Age List
Dead Members & Age List
Medical History
Alcoholic Drinks =>
Narcotics =>
Any other drugs =>
Tobacco in any form =>
a) During last 5 years did you consult a Medical Practitioner for any ailment requiring treatment for more than a week? =>
b) Have your ever been admitted to the hospital or nursing home for general check up, observation, treatment or operation? =>
c) Have you remained absent from the place of work on grounds of health during the last 5 years? =>
d) I am fully fit and I am not taking any medicine of BP / Sugar =>
Adhaar card => IMG-20230522-WA0008.jpg
Pan Card => IMG-20230522-WA0003.jpg